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The Author was once a member of the Anime Fandom, and had added Serial 2 in the early 2000's specifically as a parody of the Anime genre and its relative fandom. The Aslander Magical School therefore has far more to do with Red Riding Hood Cha Cha, Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura and the American parody comic Ninja High School than it does with Harry Potter type ventures, as some might mistakenly assume.

The Aslander school building is envisioned as the typical Japanese high school seen in countless Anime titles. Classrooms have an air of normality to them, regardless of what outlandish thing is being taught, which makes it all the more humorous when the students destroy them with their antics. Giant robots for pilot training can be seen looming over the school building, and the game that takes place outside the school takes many tropes from Isekai Anime.

Parodies of elements in the anime fandom are also seen, such as a doujinshi club, DDR competitions, V-Tubers, and cosplay.

Elsewhere in the series, the Town of Neo Tokyo in Serial 11 "The Planet of Genetic Misadventure," has a religion based on misconceptions that have come down through the ages concerning Anime.

External Links[]

Wikipedia's article on Anime.
